domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

A breath of fresh air ( for English speaking people)

The Pope, whoever he is, appears always as one of the world's most famous characters. Those U.S. lists include always the current president (whoever he is), a fashionable singer, actor and some other box office men/women. I mean the ones in the media. By the way, just wait to see if the new owner of the Washington Post revolutionizes  and change for the better this global activity/profession, so important in the democratic systems.
And indeed, today all is about example. 
Taking apart the feeling of religious hierarchy, there is positive evidence in the Pope behaviour. Atheists admit it, people who do not believe in any god. Pragmatic, rationalistic faith-free minds who believe only what they see and that the tenets of any religion appear as stories for young children and ignorant.
Modern people, good, ready, skeptic, disappointed, trying to do good things, but believe what they see. When a heart stops beating comes the silence, emptiness, nothing. Then dust and the body is incinerated, undetectable, DNA disappears. So Mr. Dexter Morgan behaves, that character in a TV series about serial killers. An expert in blood that kills the bad guys and knows how to get rid of a dead body. He just believes in blood and that tool called DNA.
Furthermore, the full range of normal human with normal human concerns, but atheists, or believers of other religions, or agnostics, or Catholic rebels, has sympathy for the Pope Francisco. They express their approval for what he says, he does, his style, manners and treatment.
Actually this happens to us either, in our level. It is a matter of character, personality. What is relevant is that he is the Pope. Probably the person with the highest moral influence on the planet, although the percentage of Catholics, his theoretical followers, is not the same. Who else has more influence?
The funny thing is that the Pope Francisco does nothing special, except being himself, following the example of that other Francis of Assisi, who in turn continued the example of the carpenter from Nazareth. Nothing more.
His own example with his life, his acts. He conquests and drags. The details of someone good, who wants to serve and help. Paying attention to the background of the person, the real problems, and looking into his/her eyes. He does not deal politicking or bla, bla, bla... He is authentic. real.

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