miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Syria, the President with strange face (for English speaking people).

The situation in Syria is complicated, I have not doubt. It is a country located in a strategic location. It is an Islamic nation, ruled by a clan, for over 40 years. Just with a little people  over majority are Sunnies, but also living there are Shiites, Christians, Armenians and Turks, with a lot of history behind it. Strongly supported by the ex-USSR, maintains important links with international terrorism of Islamic origin. A great trick anti-USA, anti-Israel in the chessboard of the Middle East. The Iran of the ayatollahs trust also their leaders. The father-son dynasty that prevails in Syria always plays its cards.
Now it seems they are using chemical weapons against civilians. I do not know if it can be proved or it is possible, the Mossad knows what it is going on because the consequences are very serious for them always.
The international community has a presumption of rules (which are handled). To carry out an international intervention is needed an UNSCR . That is not to veto by the countries with veto power at the UN. In this case China and Russia veto.
If no resolution is reached, will  the U.S.intervene in front of a coaliton of the willing ? Why ? To  defend democratic principles? I think it is just interests, no principles, and reluctantly because I do not see it clearly. The Secretary General of NATO will talk about sovereign nations and the international community, we know all that. The fact is that the U.S. will lead an attack. Why? To give a punishment the the regime. The rest of the effects are unpredictable.
The media pressure pushes the politicians with the usual methods. Media pressure is a great hypocrisy, because there is no conclusive public evidence and signs are used as evidence. There is the "impression" that have been used banned weapons against civilians. If it has done so the regime has been very awkward and it almost never has been. The family has been in power since 1970.
Meanwhile, the Commons discussed in the Parliament of her gracious majesty. A great hypocrisy too, because they are domestic and electoral reasons. I do not think in Washington are very happy. The Americans run out of cousins, those who speak English. They try always to be the first in the photo, they usually share more intelligence than anyone and spinmeisters.
What allies ! What face  from Mr . Cameron in the Commons ! However he'll tell Mr . Obama in a very good English his explanation.
France will support US. In 2003 Monsieur Chirac was not working then in that direction. To compare Iraq with Syria is nonsense, there are many differences, and what it is true is that it is not going to do the same.

Food for thought.

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