sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2013

The touch of Mr. Peter O'toole.

I remember his face on the screen, his style and look, in the role of Lieutenant Lawrence. The beginning of the film, with his death on a motorcycle and his glasses on the branches of a tree, a funeral and the question among those attending the ceremony : who was that Lawrence? and I said to myself  ? who  is Peter O'toole ?
I had always thought I could be his  friend or maybe it's what I wish. He had everything that appealed to me, natural class, indifference to the absurd world, poetry, imagination, blue eyes, great hair, height, size, distinction, voice and an accent of the language of Shakespeare which makes the difference. A man of the theater, above all, who as many British actors was lucky that Hollywood allowed him to do whatever he wanted. And he was lucky for that.
This Irish man could drink, smoke, having an serious illness reporting as a result of the excesses and he survives, what more could you ask for? Who protected him? He was cherished by a magic wand, as his touch of class, his expressiveness his natural charm, his gift in the movie how to steal a million? by William Wyler. In this film the very A. Hepburn remains behind him or Paris, or impressionism, or a Jaguar E (yellow painted), nothing outshines Mr. O'Toole.
Or as King Henry II in Becket that looks a nice guy although he doesn'y play the main role, but it is the result of his performance. A medieval king who will conquer part of France and the French girls, who knows what a fork is for, but he has something natural that attracts his friend, Archbishop in the future.
I guess a lot of people who knew him would wonder, why some have so much  some others so little?  why these privileges? 
Only one thing is certain, our days are numbered, no one more no one less. 


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