miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

The U.S. president (for English speaking people).

Surely the U.S. president, in surveys around the world, is the most popular character, with the Holy Father. This is debatable and interpretable, but it is true that almost everyone knows who the current president of this country is.
Sometimes no matter what the president does or does not, or if the president commits multiple errors, or the image of a president interested in himself, the image of a puppet, sexual harasser, mentally weak or smiling without nonsense. It does not matter an analysis of its past, if there are no sexual scandals of those who forces to withdraw a candidate. Or the impression that the party is looking for one and they choose the one believing he/she is the best option, more manageable, with better image, possibility of capturing more votes, better communicator, a photogenic family, race, sex or religion convenient. The machinery creates a show, looking for money for the campaign and Voila!!! there is a president!
Also Hollywood makes films, many, about the character. The writers can ideally create one ( although there is no one as perfect) as in The West Wing or appear to be initially a puppet ,as in House of Cards, and they need to wash his image in the following episodes because it was too much nobody, being President of the USA!
How can a country hold the man in office every four years and not anticipate elections?
The truth is that the founding fathers did relatively well. They were men, they had their faults but were able to create a system, and along more than 200 years, they have improved it with other brilliant contributions and they have been able to overcome civil wars, racism, slavery, world wars, distant wars, corruption, Mafia, gangsters , bad food, way of life , nuclear bombs, global loneliness, migration, evolution, adaptation, and what still remains.
Where is the secret? Certainly it is a huge, new, no past and rich country, but perhaps it is the best thing that the president, just a person, despite appearances, is not important.
The all system, the group, the consensus,the strength, the critical, the individual liberty and the Law make the different and matter.

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