miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Ukraine and invasion (for English speaking people).

In 1938 the strange man, with his strange mustache, managed to annex Austria to the Third Reich. Europa was another Europa, another time or so it seems, the European Union did not exist ...
The small central European country, Austria, nostalgic of past glories and collapsed empires, did not shoot back to the peaceful invaders. Only the captain, actually Commander Von Trapp in the film The Sound of Music, objected to the music and Germanic culture.
According to Ian Kershaw, sorry Sir Ian, if the corporal of the wierd had died of a heart attack on those days he woud be the greatest man in Germany history, Europe and perhaps the world; what it happened next is a different story, as if it were the first half of a football game. What things have these English people! Perhaps, the renowned historian says that to get a good press. From who?
There are certain similarities between 1938 and 2014.
The corporal had been democratically elected like Mr. Putin, besides elected after a break in an apparent second row for the limits of the Russian constitution. A smart guy that Putin, and nothing silly the Austrian born corporal.
A nation Ukraine, two peoples, two interpretations, economic interests, governors serve one or the others, never to serve the suffering people, two options that can but do not want to live together. What price are willing to pay?
The show carried out by special operations soldiers disguised and masked, television filming, relatives coming to support them, others playing football, some invaded people which do not want to shoot and cautious about invading. A mix between te Spanish comedian Gila and the absurdity of Cossacks, a situation that only the genius of Charlie Chaplin could imagine.
From U.S., or in that institution called EU, will be "pressure" economic sanctions, vetoes, embargoes, no trade, in an Global and unhealthy world.
Whatever happens, I hope the similarities with past history will end up with the inability of the rulers to advance solutions to known problems, and the rest of the story is not repeated.

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