domingo, 21 de julio de 2013

She was murdered by many people bu finally she killed herself (for English speaking people).

Sodom and Gomorrah corrupt version, or finding a fair trial.
Do not turn to 1898, please ! Laments of inept politicians and partisan justifications; politicking and easygoing mood. I worry about the image we give of ourselves and much more if that picture is real.
I worry that, while an individual claims before a judge, in the opposition groups are seeking agreements, as in a sanatorium families split the belongings of possible late relatives and ask, what about my share?
No one wants to solve the problem. Even the most prudent people, they do not say anything wise in disarray. Partisanship prevails; the defense of each affiliation, atrocious selfishness.
Perhaps, it is a time to show some maturity, sacrifice, ALL for the good of ALL, as the musketeers.
We depend simultaneously, in an impossible balance in time, on the sound work of judges / prosecutors job; the media and its own intentions; the fear of the end of something; unemployment; the bloody human condition.
What would happen if there were not a majority party in the Parliament?
I imagine in the 20s, not so crazy to Spain (or yes?) In the black 30s, dark for everyone. Is was more than 80 years ago. How will this be seen in 2100? Have not we learned anything?
How can people be so irrational? Again and again.
As Igor said to the doctor, his master , in "The Young Frankenstein", when in the cemetery are stealing the body of the recently hanged inmate.
- What a filthy job! - Says the doctor to his assistant.
-Could be worse- Igor answered.
- How?
- It might rain.
And it started raining.

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