martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

What are we? unmanned aircraft vehicles? (for English speaking people)

I love prevention, not only in medicine but applied to any situation or behavior.
I also recognize  the people of the USA are living in a different dimension. However I have to mention the critical skill, anticipation and constant desire of some of its citizens to improve and correct.
It's beautiful to make mistakes and find out the error. It's horrible persist in the mistake.
Retired Army General Eikenberry, with vast experience in combat operations, wrote in the New York Times an article .  A timely reflection on the relationship between the American people and their military, who thinks are drifting apart.
What if we were to write about that topic here in Spain or  Europe in general? How would we write?
In the USA , the challenge, after SEP 11 is not the gap between their abilities to fight and potential enemies but between the people and their armed forces. Curious.
Of course it is required to understand American History. The perception of a real threat and the  evidence of the coffins arriving every year, many on a road, from somewhere on the planet. Killed in action, defending  their country, their interests and their ideals. All American pals.
Do reflect about it, or criticize, in China, Russia, India and Brazil, the so called emerging powers?
Nowadays, through the general's  eyes , when technology produces dramatic differences in combat capabilities, which increase and increase because you can not turn back the machinery, what it is at stake is the substance. The reason for being what we are. Curious.
The general recalls the Vietnam War, the professional armed forces. He thinks about the current shortage of members of  U.S. Congress  with experience in the military, compared with 1975. He talks about 1776 and a warning of Samuel Adams on the danger of creating a family, professionals, other than the  people, regular civilian citizens, involved. He speaks about technology,  military are not only restricted to the battlefield as before.
He finished with a phrase that I understand  as follows:
" The civil-military  divide erodes the sense of duty that is critical to the health of our democratic republic, where the most important office is that of the citizen . " Curious.
Wise article, because as a matter of fact it is the same team. They are not two separate entities, military and civilian; they have been fighting for the same objectives since the beginning of time.

Don't get angry,please

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