domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

The precipice of Europeans (I) (for english speaking people)

Nobody gives anything free of charges.
If Europeans believe they are specials it could be described as conformist or stupidity. The European Union (EU) should stop bragging and get down to work. A lot about the EU is written. Thoughts, dreams, illusions, geographical-historical reality, past, present ... and what about the future?
Certainly, together now, the EU, represent 7% of the world population and 21% of GDP; but these figures have been falling down since the end of World War II and continue declining. 
The family business of Europeans is subjected to external pressure, competition. It does not work well, it  looks now overtaken and it will be more overtaken in the future. There is a price, to evolve. 
We've been running a lot of laps in a turning point, long and tedious.
Where do we go if we continue like this? Being less influential and powerful.
As wealthy as we think we are living now (including the crisis), the North of Europe even much better, we will end the milk of the cow.
When you have a business you analyze the numbers, you look to others competitors, you have to anticipate and make decisions, if you observe a distinctly negative trend. The EU dilemma is clear: to adapt or die slowly. A matter of time
Who will lead us? Are we ready?
Germany or France, or together, have to lead.
What politicians?
The UK of course not ! Let them go. They are like a heavy anchor, a big mammoth, prejudicial to the common interest, a drag selfish and harmful.
France / Germany must overcome their misgivings and boldly convincing, then the British will face the hard reality for them. A project to alter the trend and make sense of the potential value of a truly united EU. Let remain with those who truly are willing to "disappear" in some way.
There is a price to pay. Forget about the smallness of the local ideas, the sacrifice of the peculiarities, the slow-wittedness of egoism. To transfer sovereignty to evolve.
Is it possible? Are we prepared? I do not think so.
Any other contemplative position, as a not reacting one,  it only means one thing: decadence

Do not get angry, please. Brits, English I would say, in particular.

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